Aminet 25
Aminet 25 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1998].iso
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133 lines
This game is Public Domain and can be copied and distributed freely,
provided nothing is changed in the distribution.
The concept however remains the property of the writer and must not
be copied without the permission of the author.
Running the Game
The best way to run the game is from workbench from a hard drive.
It's processor heavy so an '030 is the ideal minimum, though it
should work with lesser processors. An '020 with fast mem would
probably do a reasonable job. At the moment it doesn't support GFX
cards, mail me if you would like to see this feature!
If any assembly coders out there want a job for an afternoon, please
give me a mail and we could optomise some of the inner loops (Blitz lets
you use inline assembly). It wouldn't be a huge job and would probably
mean the game could run to a 50th on a bog standard A1200. Nice!
The lowest spec machine I've tested it on is a standard A1200. It doesn't
use AGA though, so it should work on just about anything - with enough
memory of course.
Player 1 (Blue) Cursor Keys and Right Alt for fire.
Player 2 (Red) Up=Ctrl Down=Left Shift
Left=Left Alt Right=Left Amiga
or joystick in port 1.
ESC exits at any stage, from game to menu and from menu out of game.
Games = Number of games which must be won to win overall.
Lives = Number of lives each player has at start.
Level = Controls speed of game, higher levels are pretty unplayable
on a high spec machine, but are there to provide a nippy
if a bit jerky game for less powerfull machines.
Players = 1 or 2. 1 player is human against computer.
2 player is human against human.
Start = Start. Duh!
During the game player 1 is blue and player 2 is red.
In the one player game a single view of the game is shown from
the human players perspective. A computer player is also zooming
around the place, and he's pretty good too!
In the two player game two views of the action are shown, one from the
blue perspective, the other from the red.
At the north and south poles of the sphere are little dots - watch
out for these, they're lethal!
At the start of each game both players have 3 power ups - selected
randomly. These are activated in top-down order by pressing fire.
Each power up has a letter to show it's action. these are:
B = Boost -Speeds up your line for a few seconds.
I = Invincible -Allows you travel through anything except poles.
H = Heal -Restores all lost lives.
R = Reverse -Reverses opponents controls. Nasty!
S = Stop -Stops your opponent for a few seconds.
T = Teleport -Your line starts again from a nearby point.
Game Concept
Take Light Cycles, add some 3d maths and polar geometry, present it
nicely and put in a git of a computer player. Voila!
Light Cycles was a game on the 8 bits which not everyone will
remember. It was inspired by a film called Tron by Disney yonks back.
Basically 2 players move around an arena trailing lines behind them.
If either player hits a line they lose a life. If they lose a certain
number of lives they lose they game.
A difference between Revolver and Light Cycles is that each line has
a fixed length. i.e. Once past a certain length the tail of the line
The Bloke Wot Made It
My names Chris Gregan. I live in Ireland in a town called Dunboyne
about 12 miles from Dublin. My setup is an A1200 with
Blizzard '030 10 Megs of memory and gig harddrive.
And 36k modem as well. Yayy!
This game was made on Blitz II which is good but a bit old at this
stage. Hi and thanks to everyone on the Blitz List, the official
Blitz Basic II mailing list. If you code in Blitz you should really
be on this as it's a great resource and the people are very helpfull.
Other releases by myself include Tachyon, Orbit, Ant Wars and M*A*S*H.
My last big project died a horrible death with my hard drive. Grrr...
Special thanks to Hakan 'Zap' Anderson for the use of his tune
Orange Dawn for the menu! Check out his web site at
Bug Reports and that like
Any suggestions or bugs you've found on your system would be most
appreciated. Please try to give as much info as possible,
i.e. your exact machine spec and circumstances leading to the problem.
I can be contacted at greganp@indigo.ie or
Chris gregan
Sheaf o' Wheat
Co. Meath
The best way to show support is to send me a mail. It's encouraging
and provides an incentive to keep writing. Look forward to hearing
from you!